What We Teach


9 Core Principles


Success in golf (and in any career) is 98% Attitude and 2% mechanics. That’s a lot of attitude! The more successful you become in golf, the less you rely on swing mechanics and the more you rely on your overall attitude and mentality towards your preparation and your playing as a whole. Your attitude towards where you are in the process is paramount to your success in the process itself.


What is commitment? You can’t buy it. You can’t go to Dick’s Sporting Goods and buy a big bag of no-excuses commitment level. Why do some players have higher commitment than others when commitment is something anyone can choose to raise at anytime they want? We help our players raise their commitment level in their golf careers.


Association is HUGE – show me your friends and I will show you your future. This very training system is a form is association. We provide stories of players who faced adversities as junior and collegiate players and we share their stories of how they met their adversities head on and overcame seemingly impossible odds!

We teach our players that by strengthening your associations you dramatically increase your odds of success in golf and in life. Not only do we share stories of the impact of positive associations, we let our students know what destruction negative associations can lead to in our lives. You must know if you are around someone or other people that you don’t feel comfortable being yourself around these are associations you may want to cut off to become your best. If you’re around people or other players who make you want to compromise your own morals those people are toxic friends and it’s okay to put space between yourself and people who could have a negative impact on your career and your life.

Self Image

If you don’t see yourself as ever becoming a truly successful player, chances are you won’t become one – it’s that simple. A player can hit a hot streak in their career, but your talent can take you where your character and self image can’t keep you. Meaning that you can play well for a short period of time but your scoring will fall back to the level that your self-image can handle.

Your self image determines things like the quality of people you associate with, it determines where you feel like you belong and the size of the dreams you chase after. We teach our players how to have strong, healthy self-images.


People who live with clearly articulated dreams are pulled along towards those dreams with such force that they are practically unstoppable. A player’s commitment level is directly connected to the size and clarity of the vision they’re chasing after. Increasing the size of your dreams in your academics and in your junior or collegiate golf career takes WORK, you must dreambuild.

Once you have a huge, personalized dream you’ll realize how much easier it is to do the work necessary to achieve your dreams! “How do I know if I need to get a bigger dream?” If people aren’t laughing at you behind your back, chances are your dream isn’t quite big enough yet. We teach our players the tremendous value of having a huge, clearly thought-out dream can have in their playing careers.

Honesty & Integrity

How do you increase a player’s honesty and integrity? By talking about it. There is no room for lying, cheating or other forms of dishonesty for players. Having a high degree of integrity is all about who you are when nobody is looking.

We cover stories of successful players who did the right things when nobody else would have noticed. The better person you become, the more you feel like you deserve the success coming your way. We teach players how and why to have high standards in their honesty and integrity.

Pursuing Constant Personal Development

Truly successful people are strong advocates of personal development. Personal development is reading books, listening to training audio’s and going to meetings and seminars in order to learn how to master your craft. When you continue to develop yourself from the inside out, you gradually separate yourself from the masses-which is a very good thing when you want to be a top performer in junior golf.

Fun & Happiness

Remember, this is a game! If you’re not having fun along the way of playing your best golf you’re doing it wrong.. This is a season of your life where you make best friends, have the time of your life and make memories along the way! When you learn to have some real fun in competition golf, you’ll let go of your mistakes faster and be more willing to do the things it takes to become a true top performer.


Hebrews 11:1 says “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Walt Disney went as far as stating that “Faith is the most important thing, if you believe in something believe in it till the end.” We Teach our players to have faith in the process, faith in themselves and faith where it matters most.

Audio Trainings


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