Achievers Season One
Achievers Season One is an audio training series that is included in the 3 month training package. This is 5 audio trainings that cover:
- Personal Development
- Time Management
- Journaling
- Approach Shots
- Trust The Process Not The Scores
Over the past 3 years, I’ve personally interviewed over 40 D1 college players, over 50 college coaches and over 50 touring professionals. The success principles found in the best careers I’ve studied are in these trainings. Each audio training is about 30 minutes long and is a good source of coaching to listen to on the way to practice or tournaments.
Life/Mental Coaching
Players face setbacks, doubts and negativity from themselves and other players on a WEEKLY BASIS. When I first meet with a player, I ask a series of questions where I’ll identify several things that are holding the player back.
Common Negative Obstacles Players Face:
- Allowing bad play to affect their performance during the round (then holding on to that bad play after the round).
- Giving up during a round.
- Placing their self-worth in the scores they’re shooting. You want to build confidence in things you CAN control, like sticking to a 45 day game plan. You cannot control what you shoot on 18 holes, if you could you would shoot 58’s every time you’d play.
- Taking advice from better junior players. When I work with players who have a stronger desire than players who are better than they are, better players will sometimes talk down all the little extras the other player is doing to succeed. “Why are you reading, why are you practicing so much, why do you have affirmation cards – I never have had to do any of that.”
- Poor association. When a player makes a big decision to truly apply themselves in golf, other players around them that don’t take their game serious can hold players back, and will sometimes take shots and speak negative things “ohh such and such is a suck up to the coach, he’s a “try-hard”, he acts like he’s the next Tiger Woods or something.” These words typically get back to the rising Achiever and they take their toll wether the player tells you or not.
- Lack of focus during rounds or practice. Stopping to check social media every 15 mins on the phone during practice, then putting the phone away during rounds is terrible for focus. You dont want to have negative habits and switch them off when you want – just eliminate them alltogether.
- Lack of standards. Not getting the most out of your practice on a daily basis.
- Treating their parents or other players poorly. This is one of the first things a college coach looks for. How a player treats his parents and other players is exactly how he will treat his future college coach and teammates. Many great players have found themselves falling short of the college programs they wanted to play and it’s not because of their playing performance.
After we discover obstacles or negative thought processes, not only will both me and the student work to eliminate the obstacle or bad thought process, we replace all negativity with positive attributes. Please see the “What We Teach” and review the 9 Core Success Principals we establish in our players’ lives.